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Was i the only one who saw the love relationship between horace and Julius? Or did other people see that too?
Just Updated
It's been years. map of days + conference of the birds arrived today... i do not have a single first trilogy book aside from the first graphic novel which also arrived today but i'm happy with the second
(no wdym it's because the online library doesn't have as many copies of the second trilogy as the first and now i don't have to place holds every time i want to read them...)
Ya'll I've js started the 6th book, Jacob seem depressed asf- and other things, like??? The amount of concerning things is as tall as the empire state building...
J'ai vu le film de Miss Peregrine... Et j'ai été déçue. J'avais lu les livres et, étant une (très) grande fan de Burton, je m'attendais à mieux.
Et les différences d'âges entre les personnages et l'échange Olive/Emma n'ont pas aidé !
Suis-je la seule à avoir cet avis-là ?
I may've missed something but what in the world happened to julius??? It's strongly implied he died like sebbie, but ransom didn't even bother to write in a description of what happened. My best guess is he was too weak to escape and nobody could go back for him so he just succumbed to caul (also whyd ransom heavily imply and seemingly start building up a romance between Horace and julius just to ?? kill him off???? I honestly don't see the point and it was a waste of pages since the aftermath of his death doesn't even seem to have that big of an impact on Horace which I mean,,,, if ur ((implied)) crush died I think you'd have a little more of a reaction)
(Edited by TheCrystalWyvern)
I'm new on this wiki, (Probably not gonna be active much) but you can find me a lot more on the Keeper of the Lost Cities wiki! My name is Alexandra, she/her
Why are there some redundant categories?
Why isn't there a morphological abilities category?
The homepage link for Library of Souls sends one to the disambiguation page. Can someon ewho has the authority to edit the page do so?
She was a peculiar and is stuck in animal form, but she's an ymbryne, so I'm not sure.
Her peculiarity probably isn't actually constantly sweating. It seems more like the opposite of Ted's.
If I'm right, her real peculiarity is more body heat but the rest of her being normal. This results in a normal person's heat tolerance in a body that's way hotter than normal. Obviously, a good solution for her problem is to send her to the Siberia Room or another loop that's very cold.
While we're on the subject, it would be a good idea to send Ted to a loop that's very hot.
There's a page for "Dr. Golan (Film)" and a page for "Mr. Barron" even though they're the same person from the same continuity.
Also, why do we have separate pages for the book versions and movie versions of characters? It would make more sense to add a "Film" subheading (just like we do for each book) on the book version's page.
If a bone-mender was the specific variety Mother Dust is but also had a healing factor (which actually has been demonstrated as a peculiarity, a subvariety of bone-mender to be specific), it would be perfect?
Bear in mind these are crude ideas at the moment.
Robert and Sally Rochester, twins with opposite peculiarities.
Name: Robert Rochester
Gender: Male.
Pronouns: He/Him
Physical Age: Constantly changing, but every reset puts him in his early 20s.
Real age: Over 1,000 (his time) or 60 (normal time).
Peculiarity: His personal time runs faster, effectively giving him super speed (due to speed being distance divided by time and the massive difference between his personal time and normal time) but at the cost of being forever loop-bound.
Notes: Loops are the only reason he's lived 60 years (normal time): the daily reset rewinds one's biological clock to the last physical age one was when one entered the loop. When it's his turn to leave the loop to keep it stable, he grabs a stick and sticks it through the loop entrance and pulls it back in. When he leaves the loop, it's always with Thomas Stopper.
Name: Sally Rochester
Gender: Female.
Pronouns: She/Her
Physical Age: 11
Real age: If it's based on her perception of time, she's 12. If it's based on normal time, she's 60.
Peculiarity: Her personal time runs slower.
Notes: While she's more resistant to aging forward, being in slow motion means she cannot leave the loop alone. If it's her turn to leave to keep the loop stable, someone else goes with her to the loop entrance and stays on the looped side.
I came up with those 2 ideas separately but realized how ironic it would be if they were twins.
Name: [Placeholder1]
Gender: Female.
Pronouns: She/Her
Physical Age: 3
Real age: 70.
Peculiarity: Ages in reverse.
Notes: Manifested on her 13th birthday. She was running around for 10 years before an ymbryne found her. She desperately wants to regain those 10 years (everyone else treats her like a baby) and has a plan to slowly regain them with Thomas Stopper's help. Anytime she leaves the loop, she does so with him. If she begins aging forward, Thomas's gift could stabilize her without a loop.
Feel free to suggest a name that means "reverse".
Name: Thomas Stopper
Gender: Male.
Pronouns: He/Him
Physical Age: 9
Real age: 40.
Peculiarity: When other peculiars are within a certain radius of him, their peculiarities don't work.
Notes: Very useful for keeping order at mealtimes.
Name: Howard Glass
Gender: Male.
Pronouns: He/Him
Physical Age: Early 20s
Real age: 900, owing to some encounters with Robert Rochester.
Peculiarity: Mimics peculiarities within a certain range of himself..
Notes: Due to not having peculiarities (other than his own) full-time, he tends to notice side effects of them, like glaciators having a slightly lower body heat than normal and sparks having a slightly higher body heat than normal, meaning he is of tremendous assistance when it comes to categorizing peculiarities. Tends to try to avoid peculiars with morphological peculiarities, particularly those with backmouths. He doesn't mind being near invisibles, though, as his form is the same.
Name: Miss Emu
Gender: Female.
Pronouns: She/Her
Physical Age: 70
Real age: 500.
Peculiarity: Turning into an emu and looping time.
Notes: A highly unorthodox ymbryne who delights in taking care of children with rather unusual peculiarities and is partly in charge of categorizing peculiarities.
(Edited by Panloopticon)
I think this song fits Jacob kinda? https://open.spotify.com/track/1pNUmVxDiE8t6P1XxcZAv8?si=pgNCDjmETOmYgXj9_5YH8w
I know i may be a bit like...idk the word.."Subjecty"?
But, when you look at the kids pages, then like, the ones that were in the film ARENT in their picture thingy, or the ones that were in the graphic novel ARENT pictured there.
Also, some of the peculiars are very...blank, in their description
Anyway bye
Happy Birthday Miss Peregrine
Yes, this place is dead.
BUT, with the help of Enoch, I think we can rise it
HIIII these books are so underrated, who is everyone's fav character?
I've been looking around and can't seem to find a page for Noor Pradesh... If there is a page for her, could someone point it out to me? And if not, should I make one?