The Peculiar Children Wiki

Harold Fraker King, better known as H, was a male peculiar and an associate of Abraham Portman who aided him in getting uncontacted peculiars to loops.


H was a member of Abe's hollow-hunting organization, working to rid America of hollowgasts and wights and save uncontacted peculiars. However, some of the children they saved ended up in the Organization, a group of normals bent on eradicating peculiardom. At one point, wanting to meet Jacob Portman, he showed up to Abe's one day under the name of Mr Anderson, to Abe's displeasure. H gave a bag of saltwater taffy to eight or nine year old Jacob, who H could tell had the hollow-seeing peculiarity as soon as they met.

A Map of Days[]

After learning about H from a peculiar he and Abe saved, Jacob Portman seeks him out in the hopes of continuing their work. H is reluctant but agrees to meet him at the Mel-O-Dee diner. Jacob brings Emma Bloom with him and they fight Horatio, his pet hollow. He stops the fight and says they He gives them two packages and tells Jacob to deliver one to the Flamingo Manor loop in Starke, Florida and the other to a loop near Portal in Georgia. He says when they do he will give them a mission.

They deliver both packages and receive a mission to take an uncontacted peculiar and take them to a loop on an island in the Hudson River. After they find the location of the peculiar, Noor Pradesh, H calls Jacob and tells him to abort the mission, but he refuses.

After they lose Noor to Leo Burnham, Jacob calls H and apologizes for the mission. H tells him he is going to rescue Noor and tells Jacob to stay away. He manages to bring Noor back to his apartment, but is fatally shot several times.

Jacob finds him on the floor and H tells him that Noor is one of seven prophesied peculiars who are destined to bring peculiardom into a new age. As H dies, he has Horatio eat his eyes, which turns his companion of forty years into a wight.


Physical Appearance[]

H is an elderly African American man with gray hair and a scraggly beard. He has a crookedly handsome face, deeply lined, with deep-set and piercing eyes. He wears a sweater vest that gives him a vaguely professorial air.


H is a man who is willing to do a job no matter what the consequences, as he was willing to break the peculiar law to save a new peculiar. He also cares greatly for others, as he is friendly with Horatio and allowed the hollow to eat his eyes upon his death. To Miss Annie, he could be "frustrating and pigheaded and a pain in the rear end." However, she does also add that he has been carrying a lot of weight for many years, and despite his rejections of assistance, he does need others.


As a librarian, H could see and control hollowgasts, even taking one as a pet.


  • Given his peculiarity, H may descend from the same hollowgast-like peculiars as Jacob and Abraham Portman, who may or may not have been the original Librarians of the Library of Souls.