The Peculiar Children Wiki

Leo Burnham is a male peculiar with an unknown peculiarity. He is the leader of the Five Boroughs clan, a clan that runs New York City and the entire East Coast.


A Map of Days[]

The Conference of the Birds[]

Leo appears with the other two clan leaders, Antoine LaMothe and Parkins, in a bar to "iron out their differences." When LaMothe and Parkins's argument gets heated, he shuts them up and tells them to let the ymbrynes make their case first. He recognizes Jacob and immediately calls him a troublemaker, but Miss Peregrine tells him that Jacob is an accomplished hollow tracker.

While Jacob is faking following a hollowgast residue trail, Leo speaks up and admits that a wight broke into his house and stole a very promising feral, not knowing that the wight was actually H. Leo's opinion of Jacob seems to change slightly after Jacob finds a real drop of hollow residue and announces that he recognizes this particular hollow through its smell, marveling that Jacob is like a bloodhound. As more evidence points to the wights and their hollow, Leo brings up that someone would have seen them take Ellery out of the loop due to the guards posted, but LaMothe reveals another secret way out.

When LaMothe states to Miss Wren that even the ymbrynes can't keep their house in order, Leo agrees with him, saying that they can't trust people so incompetent.

For the peculiars heading to Hopewell, Leo promises them safe passage through New York. He also drops the matter with Noor, promising never to send his men after her again. In return for this, the ymbrynes promised him something good, which is revealed in the next book to be loop freedom.

The Desolations of Devil's Acre[]



He wears a black pinstriped suit, purple tie and cream-colored homburg that doesn't quite match the rest of his outfit. Perhaps partly because of his personal hatred, Jacob calls Leo ugly.


Leo is a New Yorker with strict leadership that most likely helped him rise to the leader of the Five Boroughs. In the book, Leo displays toughness when he meets with Jacob, having beaten him before. He does not tolerate crimes or being humiliated.

However, he cares deeply about his family, showing brief gratefulness to Jacob for helping his sister and remaining furious about the kidnapping of his goddaughter.


Leo Burnham has a sister named Donna Burnham, who lives in Flamingo Manor, and a 8-year old goddaughter named Agatha, who supposedly got kidnapped by Abraham Portman.
