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Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children

Time loops are like grimbears. Attend to them with gentleness and constancy and they'll protect you forever. Neglect them and they'll kill you in a flash.

Esmerelda Avocet, Miss Peregrine's Museum of Wonders

Loops are a twenty-four hour period that is created and tended to by ymbrynes, and repeat so long as they are reset. Loops are unable to be accessed by normals, so they became homes for peculiars who are trying to escape persecution. However, normal animals can also enter.[1] Until 2011, hollows are unable to get into loops, but after an experimentation by the wights, they were able to get into them. The oldest known loop was created on March twenty-ninth, 316 A.D and existed until 399.


In its most elemental form, a loop appears as a strange and shimmering distortion hung in midair.[2] Loops are typically a kilometer wide, though many were smaller. They are egg-shaped, with their boundaries resembling "the elliptical orbit of a planet around a star." Digging half a kilometer into the earth beneath the center of a loop brings one to the loop's bottom edge. Boundaries are hard but invisible. Loops can also be open or closed to the outer past: a closed loop can only exit to the present, while an open loop is also able to exit to the outer past world of the looped day.[3] The term "closed" can also refer to loops that don't allow outsiders and only have one type of peculiar living together, despite partitionment of ability being discouraged under the ymbrynic codes. These loop inhabitants will chase out outsiders and don't trust anybody but peculiars like themselves.[4]

Loop entrances tend to be hidden: tucked away parts of a house and dark passageways both horizontal and vertical being examples. Natural structures can be used, like the cave that served as the entrance to Miss Wren's Menagerie. An entrance in a castle is more likely than in an old house due to houses being more likely to be demolished. Reportedly haunted locations and islands also make good loop entrances. Some loops are also booby trapped, meant for wights.[3] The vast majority of loop entrances remain in one place, though they can be created to move from day to day. Portal is the only known loop with an entrance like this, and requires a diviner like Paul Hemsley to find.[5]

A second entrance can be grown somewhere else by collecting the DNA-like signature of the original loop. Myron Bentham and Caul used this method to create the Panloopticon, and a copy would be opened later by the wights in their fortress.[6]

Loops, using tiny, essential bits of them much like a seed bank or a DNA archive, can be regrown to their original state, a project courtesy of Perplexus Anomalous. At the same time, adjustments can be made to the loop, such as physical changes or a date change. With this, Miss Peregrine's collapsed loop was one loop that was recreated but this time, it's September 2nd.[7]

Desolations, as explained by Miss Avocet, are perversions in the fabric of the loop and can mean it is breaking down, often heralding a loop's demise. With Devil's Acre's desolations, Miss Avocet wondered whether they were the result of a hostile force attempting to sabotage the loop from outside. Devil's Acre's desolations included the raining of bones, blood, ash, and a squall of larynxes.[8] As Caul lay siege to Bentham's house, the ymbrynes' Quilt was able to prevent him making physical desolations inside, but he instead tormented the inhabitants with a mental one of despair.[9]

Although only ymbrynes can create a loop, they are not the only ones who can reset a loop. In America, with the current absence of ymbrynes, demi-ymbrynes and loop-keepers maintain loops and keep them going.[10]


Though loops suspend the aging process of its inhabitants, they do not prevent it. If a loop's inhabitant leaves for more than three days, they will age forward however many years they have spent inside a loop, This process can easily kill the peculiar since many peculiars have lived in a loop for decades, if not centuries. The aging process can be stopped if the peculiar manages to get inside a loop and stays there for twelve hours.[1] A peculiar's internal clock can be reset permanently if they manage to get out of a loop that had the loop collapse procedure done to it.[11] If they do not get out in time, they will become a hollow.

If an ymbryne is not there to reset it, a loop collapses. However, according to Miss Peregrine in the first book, a peculiar must cross the entryway every so often to reset the loop.[12] Though the main danger of loops is rapid aging, a second danger is that most peculiars have been isolated from the normal world in loops for too long, and thus if they try to reenter they become easy targets (for hoodlums, bamboozlers, wights) because of their lack of knowledge of the present.[13]

Types of Loops[]

There are five types of loops: permaloops, collapsed loops, punishment loops, tourist loops and pocket loops.[3]

Permanent Loops[]

Permaloops are a rare type of loop that do not need frequent resets, with fewer than five known to exist at the present. Though they were more common a thousand years ago. They are difficult to create, and ymbrynes that have managed to create one have never been able to make another. Permaloops that do exist are small. This is because larger loops are more difficult to maintain than smaller ones. While many have tried and failed to make permaloops, other ymbrynes don't know their own strength and accidentally make one (the only known case being with Ginny Quetzal, with her sewer tunnel permaloop being the most famous operational one).

  • Waterloo, Iowa sewer tunnel dinner
  • Nameless old Siberian loop, site of the Experiment of 1908

Pocket Loops[]

Pocket loops are a smaller than average loop that encases a smaller area, usually a few meters square, that only require resetting once or twice a month. They were invented to create points of contact with the Panloopticon and act like portals.

  • Jacob Portman's backyard shed

Tourist Loops[]

Tourist loops are loops that used to be found all across peculiardom placed strategically at times and locations of historical import. They made up a sort of Grand Tour that was once considered an essential part of any well-bred peculiar’s education. This was many years ago, when it was still relatively safe to travel abroad. Tourist loops needed a great deal of labor to operate: ymbrynes to reset the largest ones, costumers to dress visitors in period-appropriate clothing, guides to keep visitors out of trouble, and sometimes bodyguards to deal with dangerous looped normals. Hollowgast targeted most of the tourist loops, so the few that remain are fiercely protected and considered treasures of peculiardom.

  • Carnival Tourist Loop
  • Venice, carnival season of 1570
  • Shanghai, fall of 1867
  • Machu Picchu, summer solstice 1450 (Miss Pilotbird's loop)
  • Sierra Nevada Mountains, California, 1849 (Bloody Gulch mining camp, Miss Greylag's loop)
  • Pamplona, Spain, 1928 (The Running of the Bulls)
  • Connecticut, 1963

Punishment Loops[]

Run by the Council of Ymbrynes and reset by warden ymbrynes,[1] punishment loops are very dangerous and are like death traps. They were designed to hold criminals, captured wights, and the dangerously insane. They are very nasty places that repeat terrible, bloody events of the past, such as the Great Fire of 1666. Temporal maps of punishment loops are not published. Punishment loops are small, easily controlled closed loops, and the number of prisoners inside each is kept small. 50 years is the average sentence, and the longest known sentence is 500.

  • Devil's Acre (formerly)
  • Lochranza Castle, Scotland, January 1, 923 AD
  • Steamship Chunder during stormy crossing of the Irish Channel, March 12, 1935
  • Elkhart, Kansas, "Black Sunday," 1935

Collapsed Loops[]

These loops are loops that have collapsed. Though they are "closed" and cannot be accessed during the present time, they might still be able to be visited through leapfrogging.


Menageries are loops dedicated to the holding of peculiar animals.

Other Known Loops[]

  • Miss Barbet's loop (Austrian Alps, 1790)
  • Miss Bolbol's loop (Persia, 1797)
  • Miss Bowerbird's loop (Krakatoa, Indonesia - 1883)
  • Miss Cacique's loop (Congo Free State, 1890)
  • Miss Caracara's loop (Barbados, 1760)
  • Miss Currasow's loop (Aran Islands, Ireland - 1910)
  • Miss Elachura's loop (Svalbard, 1891)
  • Miss Euphonia's loop (Lower Manhattan, 1918)
  • Miss Finch and her aunt, also called Miss Finch (England)
  • Miss Finfoot's loop (Essex - October 31, 1955)
  • Miss Flatbill's loop (Dakota Territory, 1840)
  • Miss Frogmouth's loop ("Leap of Faith" Tower, far North Queensland, Australia)
    • Entrance: Jumping off the tower
  • Miss Gannett's loop (Blacksod, Ireland - June 15, 1770)
  • Miss Grosbeak's loop (Bhutan, 1809)
  • Miss Jacobin's loop (East London, 1735)
  • Miss Kestrel's loop
  • Miss Lovebird's loop (Mongolian steppe, 1872)
  • Miss Minivet's Lake Isle loop (Scotland 1823)
  • Miss Morgana's loop (Cyclades, Greece - 1954)
  • Miss Nightjar and Miss Thrush's loop (Swansea, Wales - April 3, 1901)
  • Miss Pippit's loop (Mt. Kilamanjaro, 1930)
  • Miss Rockfowl's loop (Herculaneum, AD 79)
  • Miss Rosefinch's loop (Siam, 1853)
  • Miss Shrikethrush's loop (Normandy, 1789)
  • Miss Sicklebill's loop (Bern, Switzerland, 1653)
  • Miss Swiftlet's loop (Calcutta, 1880)
  • Miss Tanager's loop (Socotra Island, 1820)
  • Miss Thistletail's loop (Madagascar, 1770)
  • Miss Thrasher's loop (Șirnea, Romania - 1869)
  • Miss Tit's loop (Peruvian Amazon, 1912)
  • Miss Trumpeter's loop (Cork, Ireland - October 31, 1976)
  • Miss Wattle-eye's loop (Versailles, 1800)
  • Miss Whistler's loop (West London, 1735)
  • Miss Wigeon's loop (Salem, Massachusetts - 1692)
  • Miss Woodhen's loop (St. Andrews, Scotland - October 31, 1993)
  • Miss Yuhina's loop (Tokyo, 1860)
  • Leo's Turf
  • Loop A-57 (near Marfa, Texas - c. 1967)
  • Loop 10044 (New York City)
  • Siberia loop
  • Algiers, Algeria - February 27, 1615
  • America, September 3
  • Ancient Rome, Italy - May 23, 320 A.D.
  • Anniston, Alabama - January 5, 1935
  • Atlas Mountains, North Africa - October 8, 1880
  • Berlin, Germany - May 6, 1934)
  • Birmingham loop (S-Mart Superstore, Birmingham, England - May 6, 1900)
    • Entrance: Behind a panel of wainscoting in the manor's considerable library; behind the ice creams in the freezer aisle of the store
  • British Columbia, 1929
  • Chefchaouen, Morocco - September 12, 1910
  • Clownmouth House (Muncie, Indiana)
  • Coimbra, Portugal - August 30, 1575
    • Entrance: Inside cathedral ossuary
  • Crypt of the Zouaves, Rome
    • Entrance: Eighth tomb from the right, middle row
  • Den Haag (The Hague), Netherlands - April 8, 1937
  • Granada, Spain - November 7, 1840
  • Greyfriars (London, England - April 20, 1897)
    • Entrance: Entrance tunnel beneath St. Paul's Cathedral
  • Helsinki, Christmas 1911[14]
  • Hermit's Houseboat on a Dry Lake (Imperial Desert, California)
  • Imbre Inn (Hartford, Connecticut - 1963)
  • Indiana, 1950s
  • Le Mont-Saint-Michel, France, 1888
    • Entrance: Castle dungeon
  • Max-Ivor Motel (outside Lincoln, Nebraska)
    • Entrance; Room 308
  • Midpoint of a Railway Bridge (Yukon Territory)
  • Monte Cassino, Italian Alps - May 16, 1944
  • Pamplona, Spain - July 7, 1948
  • Paris Catacombs, France - September 18, 1770
  • Pennsylvania Station, New York City - June 8, 1929[14]
  • Portal, Georgia - 1965
  • Prague, Czech Republic - May 22, 1876
    • Entrance: Inside city clock
  • Rarotunga, 1752
  • Turkey - March 29, 316 A.D.
  • Vanishing Island of Inchmahome (Stirlingshire, Scotland - April 20 1823)
    • Entrance: A trapdoor in the drowned ruins of an old stone church
  • Venice, Italy, 14th century
  • Yasur Volcano, Island of Tanna, New Hebrides - January 1799[15]
  • Amazonia
  • Ancient Mongolia
  • Australian outback
  • Caspian Sea
  • Chile
  • Eel Pie Island
  • Florida swamp
  • Greece
  • Hart
  • Horn of Africa
  • North Brother
  • Pine Barrens
  • Poconos
  • Portugal
  • Roosevelt Islands
  • Shenectady

Known Loops (film)[]

  • Blackpool Tower - January 11, 2016
    • Entrance: Through a Ghost Train ride
  • Morocco - September 12, 1910
  • France - December 13, 1934
  • California desert
    • Entrance: Bathroom in a convenience store
  • Tokyo, Japan
    • Entrance: Photo booth
  • 1942 loop


  • More loops are made on Halloween than any other day, since more peculiars can pass as costumed normals.[16]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Ransom Riggs Instagram livestream
  2. The Desolations of Devil's Acre (Chapter 3)
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Miss Peregrine's Museum of Wonders (Time Loops)
  4. A Map of Days (Chapter 11)
  5. A Map of Days (Chapter 9)
  6. Library of Souls (Chapter 4)
  7. The Desolations of Devil's Acre (Chapter 25)
  8. The Desolations of Devil's Acre (Chapter 4)
  9. The Desolations of Devil's Acre (Chapter 22)
  10. Miss Peregrine's Museum of Wonders (Demi-Ymbrynes and Lesser Time Manipulators)
  11. Library of Souls (Chapter 11)
  12. Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (Chapter 6)
  13. Miss Peregrine's Museum of Wonders (Time Loops)
  14. 14.0 14.1 A Map of Days (Chapter 4)
  15. The Conference of the Birds (Chapter 4)
  16. Miss Peregrine's Museum of Wonders (How to Hide in Plain Sight When Your Peculiarity Cannot Be Disguised... and Make a Living at It)